Welcome to Sequester Studios, a design and art studio specializing in graphics design, logo design, 3D art, level design, and environment art. We are a team of highly skilled artists and designers dedicated to creating stunning visuals and immersive experiences that capture the essence of your brand or project.

- About Us

At Sequester Studios, we take a collaborative approach to our work, working closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and vision. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and our ability to bring even the most complex ideas to life.

Our Services

Logo Design
Photo Editing
Video Editing
Concept Art
3D Design

Community Reviews

  • Nunc interdum elit nec sapien vehicula, ut blandit nulla ultrices. Sed ullamcorper metus eget efficitur rutrum. Aliquam a nunc odio. Aenean fermentum finibus efficitur.

    Peter Guptill
    Proin blandit
  • Morbi est est, mollis id diam a, pellentesque dignissim lorem. Sed malesuada sed lacus sit amet vestibulum. Sed nibh purus, egestas eu orci vel, mollis interdum orci.

    Mary Jane
    Lorem ipsum
  • Proin blandit rhoncus metus porta tristique. Praesent suscipit in erat a tempor. Nullam tempor lectus ex, a auctor orci ultricies ac. Mauris sapien neque, condimentum sit

    Steven Wilson
    Proin blandit

Amazing Team

Jaskaran G.

GFX | VFX | 3D Artist | Concept Artist | Logo Design | Illustration

Thomas S.

Fusce laoreet

Justo Congue

Fusce laoreet

Steven Wilson

Fusce laoreet

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